Die Erfolgsgeschichte des GVO-Anbaus in Spanien geht weiter.
No respondents had any problems when selling their crops.
There has not been a problem coexisting with conventional crops. Madrid (Spain), January 10, 2010.- In the latest survey by Markin for the Antama Foundation on ‘Bt maize seeds in Spain’, 93% of Spanish farmers who planted Bt maize in 2010 will do so in the next season, and 6% are undecided. The study, published in November 2010, focuses on the cultivation of Bt maize by Spanish farmers who use and who do not use this variety. The study was conducted in November 2010 and involved 200 farmers in Catalonia and Aragon.
Farmers who plant Bt maize
Farmers who planted Bt maize seeds in 2010 expressed that they were “very satisfied’ (79%) or ‘quite satisfied’ (21%) with the cultivation of this variety. 99% of respondents considered transgenic seeds to have a good relationship between the price and the results obtained.
The main advantage for Bt maize farmers was marked by effective protection against the corn borer (98%). They also stress that neither plants nor the cobs fall (48%), the ease of cultivation (44%), high yields and strength of plants (41%) and higher profitability (33%).
As for the disadvantages of growing this type of seed, 25% of respondents have alluded to the fact that they have to maintain plots of non-GM maize (25%), while 65% admitted not seeing any problem in this type of seed, a 11% increase from 2009. No respondents have had trouble selling their maize in 2010. 93% of farmers have been required to make a verbal or written statement their maize is genetically modified.
Farmers who do not use Bt maize
100% of farmers who do not use Bt maize seed claim to know about these seeds. Of these, 18% have a favorable opinion of such seeds while six in ten say they are neither for nor against them (61%).
Asked why they would opt for the transgenic seed instead of the conventional, 52% of farmers said Bt maize users rely on these seeds if their crops suffered serious attacks of corn borers. 92% of respondents acknowledged having minor problems or no problems with the corn borer on their land.
No respondents have had trouble selling their conventional maize crop in 2010. 73% of farmers have been required to make a verbal or written statement their maize is not genetically modified.