Anbei eine umfangreiche Publikation ungarischer Wissenschaftler, die am 22. März 2011 der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wird. Es beinhaltet ein Vorwort von Prof. Ingo Potrykus, dem Erfinder des Goldenen Reises und eine Stellungnahme der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Table of contents
1. Recommendation - Ingo Potrykus
2. Editor’s introduction - Ervin Balázs, Dénes Dudits, László Sági
3. Statement on Genetically Modified Organisms from the Section of Agricultural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
4. Position of gene technology amongst genetic modification tools - Pál Venetianer
5. Procedures for the generation of genetically modified organisms - László Sági, Elen Gócza, Kornél Kovács
6. Integration of gene technology research into plant breeding - Zoltán Bedő, Csaba L. Marton
7. Present and future role of different generations of GM crops in the Hungarian agriculture - Dénes Dudits
8. The results and future prospects of genetically modified livestock animals - Zsuzsanna Bősze, László Hiripi
9. GM plants for feeding livestocks - János Gundel
10. The possible role of GM technology in breeding, propagation and processing of the future biomass crops - László Márton, Miklós G. Fári
11. Biopesticides and biofertilizers - László Hornok, Katalin Posta
12. The role of GM microbes in the fermentation technology - Kornél Kovács
13. Genetically modified plants as the basis of food quality improvement and pharmaceutical production - László Tamás, Mária Oszvald
14. An overview of the economic impacts of GM crops - József Popp, Norbert Potori
15. GMOs and environmental safety - Ervin Balázs, László Sági
16. The process of gene technology regulation - Ervin Balázs
17. GM plants – the media – the public - Júlia Gimes
18. Genetically modified crops: A beginning or the end? - Béla Somfai
19. Reference list of Hungarian research papers describing GMOs
20. List of authors and their contact details